Live feeds are subject to delay or time variation from other sources such as phones, PCs and TVs outside the venue. In commercial establishments, there are various factors that may affect the delivery of streaming, in comparison to what one may see on their phone or from receiving external updates. This is outside of Everpass' control. Please see below for some common explanations regarding latency.
Signal Processing/Equipment Delays: Commercial establishments may have complex systems with multiple TVs connected to a large AV receiver. The more equipment involved in processing the signal, the higher there is a chance of time discrepancy. Phones may process the stream directly, as modern phone apps are optimized for low-latency streaming.
Internet Connection: The quality of internet connection may increase latency if running at a slower speed or utilizing high traffic. We recommend connecting your streaming devices to a private, secure network that is not shared with public patrons to avoid network congestion and give you the most bandwidth available.
Regulatory Delays: Occasionally, there are intentional delays added to the stream for censorship reasons or corrections. These delays may vary between receiving platforms.
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