Are you having problems with your media player turning off when your TV is idle or turned off? HDMI CEC may be to blame.
What is HDMI-CEC?
HDMI-CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) is a feature that allows devices connected to your TV through HDMI ports to communicate and control each other. This offers convenience by enabling one remote or devices to control multiple devices in your multimedia setup.
Is HDMI-CEC supported on all TVs?
The majority of TVs manufactured today support HDMI-CEC, but have this feature turned off by default.
My media play keeps shutting off when I turn off my TV. Is this because of HDMI-CEC and how can I turn this off?
Your TV may have HDMI-CEC turned on and is causing your UPshow media player to turn off when you turn the TV off with your remote.
You can turn off the HDMI-CEC feature by going to your settings on your TV. It is usually under the general settings or within a submenu like Device Manager, Hardware Settings, or HDMI Settings.
Please Note: Each TV manufacturer calls HDMI-CEC something different. You'll need to check a list online to figure out what a particular manufacturer calls it. That will allow you to see if your TV or screen supports it and find the right entry on the device menu to enable or disable this option.
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